You have finally decided to begin shaping your body and are wondering how long does it take to build muscle? Well of course there is no straight forward answer to this, as it depends on various factors. This article will look at some of those factors.
First you should know that genetics play a big role to the pace at which you are gonna build muscles. It is important to know what your body type is, so you can make a proper diet and workout strategy. There are three types of body structure:
- Endomorph: People with this type of structure are naturally big and have slow metabolism. They can gain muscle mass quickly, but also gain fat if not doing any exercises. If you are an endomorph you must first build muscles and then burn some fat in order to reveal them. This will naturally take longer.
- Mesomorph: This body type is the best for building muscle mass, because mesomorph people have naturally muscled athletic body with low body fat. It is easy to build muscles with this type of body and you should see results in just a few weeks.
- Ectomorph: People with this type of structure are skinny with fast metabolism. They need more time and effort to gain some weight and build muscle mass.
Most people fall in between the three types. For example, a person can be a mixture of mesomorph and ectomorph. It doesn’t really matter what type of body you have, because as long as you workout on a regular basis and don’t give up, you will have great results.
The next thing to take into consideration is what you eat. In order to build muscles you will need to feed them right. The building material for muscles are proteins and amino acids, so do some research and make a proper diet. Oh and keep in mind: NEVER take steroids! It might look like an easy solution, but in the long run you will regret it.
The most important factor when determining how long does it take to build muscle, is your workout strategy. You should carefully build your workout plan, depending on your needs. I am not going into detail about various exercises and routines, there are plenty resources on this. Just a few tips. Every month or so completely change your routine, you can do this more often. The thing is that muscles adapt and at some point they will just stop growing. So when you feel like this is the case, its time for a change.
Well, I hope I answered some of your questions about how long does it take to build muscle.
The Truth About How Long Does it Take to Build Muscle?
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