First i want to tell you that Turbulence Training is not exactly about muscle building. It's focus is on burning fat AND building muscle at the same time. So if you are a skinny guy, who wants to gain muscle mass, I'd recommend you check our No Nonsense Muscle Building and The Truth About Building Muscle reviews.
About the Author
Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness and other magazines.
So what is Turbulence Training?
According to Craig, it's the combination of resistance training and interval training used to boost your metabolism, so that your body burns calories and fat between workouts. The training routine consists of three 45-minute workouts a week. Turbulence Training does not include long boring cardio or any machine-based exercises. Craig's unique system of bodyweight exercises, dumbell exercises, and interval training can all be done at home, with minimal equipment.
The negative
The one obvious drawback is that Turbulence Training lacks a diet plan, which definetely is an important part of the equation. So take this into consideration when buying the program.
Overall Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training is perfect for busy men and women who want to burn fat in the comfort of their own homes. It is backed by a 8-week money back guarantee, so if you are not satisfied with the results you will receive your money back.
Turbulence Training Review
- exercises (1)
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- muscle building (8)
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