First i want to tell you that Turbulence Training is not exactly about muscle building. It's focus is on burning fat AND building muscle at the same time. So if you are a skinny guy, who wants to gain muscle mass, I'd recommend you check our No Nonsense Muscle Building and The Truth About Building Muscle reviews.
About the Author
Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness and other magazines.
So what is Turbulence Training?
According to Craig, it's the combination of resistance training and interval training used to boost your metabolism, so that your body burns calories and fat between workouts. The training routine consists of three 45-minute workouts a week. Turbulence Training does not include long boring cardio or any machine-based exercises. Craig's unique system of bodyweight exercises, dumbell exercises, and interval training can all be done at home, with minimal equipment.
The negative
The one obvious drawback is that Turbulence Training lacks a diet plan, which definetely is an important part of the equation. So take this into consideration when buying the program.
Overall Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training is perfect for busy men and women who want to burn fat in the comfort of their own homes. It is backed by a 8-week money back guarantee, so if you are not satisfied with the results you will receive your money back.
Turbulence Training Review
Muscle Gaining Secrets Review
Jason Ferruggia is a famous fitness expert, who has been training for more than 20 years and is the head training adviser for Men’s Fitness Magazine. His program is focused on building muscles for just 3 hours a week in the gym.
At a first glance Muscle Gaining Secrets appears to offer only low quality image and bad editing, but after a proper reading, it turns out to be a decent product for it's price. Muscle Gaining Secrets contains lots of information about bodybuilding and Jason uses stories and examples from his life, which makes the reading enjoyable and easy to understand. The book itself does not contain information about nutrition and diets, but there is a Quick Meals E-book in the bonus package.
Muscle Gaining Secrets is a great book, it contains lots of useful information and offers a solid training method. It has a very good bonus package, which complements the main e-book, making the price of $77 well worth it. And of course you get 8-week 100% money back guarantee!
The Truth About Building Muscle Review
Sean Nalewanyj is a bestselling author and a natural bodybuilder. His program, The Truth About Building Muscle, reveals a proven step by step method, that will help you build a great body and get the attention you deserve.
What is the program about?
The Truth About Building Muscle explains the basic principles of weight gaining, making your workout session much more effective and less time consuming. The workout section of the e-book covers everything from warming up and stretching, to choosing the best exercises and performing them in the right way. The program is about doing three intense workouts a week, each lasting about an hour. The nutrition section tells you what, when and how to eat in order to achieve maximum muscle growth. Sean has also devoted an entire chapter, explaining why proper rest and recovery is vital for muscle building.
In Summary
The Truth About Building Muscle is an impressive program, which gives you the right information and provides you with a step by step plan for achieving great results. It comes with a high quality bonus package and 8 week money back guarantee for the price of $77.
No Nonsense Muscle Building Review
Vince Delmonte's No-Nonsense Muscle Building program offers you a chance to build the body you desire. The ebook is written for all those skinny guys who have trouble gaining muscle mass. So if you are one of them, continue reading.
About the Author
Vince Delmonte, once a skinny guy, knows what it feels likes to try so many different workout techniques and get minimal results. So he decided to develop his own program, that helped him go from 149 pounds to 190 in only six months. Today, Delmonte weights 210 pounds with only 10% body fat. He has won a national championship as a fitness model, and has many contributions to Men's Fitness magazine.
What is the program about?
No-Nonsense Muscle Building explores the 9 growth principles, which you must understand and apply in order to build muscles. Vince focuses his workout program on changing sets and reps in order to prevent adaptation and stimulate different muscles. The program is a bit complicated at first, but Vince gives you access to a 52-week workout plan, which will guide you through your muscle building journey. No-Nonsense Muscle Building also covers flexibility training, minimizing muscle imbalances and special workouts aimed at your weak spots. The diet section aims to teach you how acquire better eating habbits and provides some sample diets for you.
The negative
In my oppinion Vince goes a little overboard with all that information, also a little disorganized at some points.
In conclusion
No-Nonsense Muscle Building is a good program, which provides you with all the information you need (and some more) to build the body you like. For the price of 77$ you get a lot of bonuses, so it's well worth the price. You also get a 60 day money back guarantee, so there is no risk for you. You can return it with no questions asked.
The Truth About Six Pack Abs Review
Mike Geary’s Truth About Six Pack Abs is one of the top selling fitness e-books on the Internet. It's purpose is to teach you how to shape your midsection and uncover those sexy abs. Unlike most abs building programs, which all tell you the same things The Truth About Six Pack Abs is different. It explains the myths about abs training and gives you proven methods for you to follow.
First let me tell you a few words about the author. Mike Geary is a certified personal trainer and nutrition specialist. His articles have been posted in various fitness magazines, so he really knows what he talks about.
So what is the e-book about?
The Truth About Six Pack Abs explains myths and realities about abs training, it show you how to build a proper diet and gives you some specific exercises. The program itself starts with anatomy of a belly, which as boring as it sounds, is important to know to reduce the risk of training the wrong muscles. The main section focuses on various highly effective abs exercises. Each exercise is illustrated with pictures, so it will be easy for you to follow. The great thing is that you don't need a gym membership card or fancy equipment. The majority of workouts can be performed at home with some weights and an exercise ball.
The diet and nutrition section gives you some excellent guidelines for creating a balanced diet and provides you with a full 7 day menu, which is broken down into specific recipes with additional nutrition information.
As you may have noticed i have been talking only about the positive aspects of the program. So lets balance things a bit. The major downside is that it focuses solely on abs. Well that's not that bad, but in order to build a great body one should focus on all parts. Also some exercises require equipment, but don't worry, buying some simple weights should be enough.
In conclusion, The Truth About Six Pack Abs is a powerful program and i highly recommend it. It is well worth the $39.95 and you also get 7 free bonuses with it. The program gives you 8 week money-back-guarantee, so if you don't like it, you can always return it.
The Truth About How Long Does it Take to Build Muscle?
You have finally decided to begin shaping your body and are wondering how long does it take to build muscle? Well of course there is no straight forward answer to this, as it depends on various factors. This article will look at some of those factors.
First you should know that genetics play a big role to the pace at which you are gonna build muscles. It is important to know what your body type is, so you can make a proper diet and workout strategy. There are three types of body structure:
- Endomorph: People with this type of structure are naturally big and have slow metabolism. They can gain muscle mass quickly, but also gain fat if not doing any exercises. If you are an endomorph you must first build muscles and then burn some fat in order to reveal them. This will naturally take longer.
- Mesomorph: This body type is the best for building muscle mass, because mesomorph people have naturally muscled athletic body with low body fat. It is easy to build muscles with this type of body and you should see results in just a few weeks.
- Ectomorph: People with this type of structure are skinny with fast metabolism. They need more time and effort to gain some weight and build muscle mass.
Most people fall in between the three types. For example, a person can be a mixture of mesomorph and ectomorph. It doesn’t really matter what type of body you have, because as long as you workout on a regular basis and don’t give up, you will have great results.
The next thing to take into consideration is what you eat. In order to build muscles you will need to feed them right. The building material for muscles are proteins and amino acids, so do some research and make a proper diet. Oh and keep in mind: NEVER take steroids! It might look like an easy solution, but in the long run you will regret it.
The most important factor when determining how long does it take to build muscle, is your workout strategy. You should carefully build your workout plan, depending on your needs. I am not going into detail about various exercises and routines, there are plenty resources on this. Just a few tips. Every month or so completely change your routine, you can do this more often. The thing is that muscles adapt and at some point they will just stop growing. So when you feel like this is the case, its time for a change.
Well, I hope I answered some of your questions about how long does it take to build muscle.
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